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Malware Overview

Malware, which is short for malicious software, is any type of software designed to harm or exploit computer systems, networks, or devices without the knowledge or consent of the user. Malware can take many forms, including viruses, worms, trojans, spyware, adware, and ransomware.

Malware can be spread in several ways, including via email attachments, downloads from untrusted websites, software vulnerabilities, or even physical media like USB drives. Once installed on a system, malware can perform a wide range of malicious actions, most of which will go unnoticed.

Examples of such actions would be stealing sensitive information, disabling security features, hijacking resources, and using the compromised system as part of a larger botnet for criminal activities. It can also disrupt network operations, causing downtime, slow performance, and other issues affecting productivity and revenue.

To protect against malware, it is important to:

  • Keep software and security systems up-to-date.
  • Use strong passwords.
  • Avoid downloading or installing software from untrusted sources.
  • Be cautious when opening email attachments or clicking on unknown URL links. 
  • Regularly scan your system for malware using an antivirus or anti-malware software and regularly back up important data.