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FAQs: Navigating the CCNA Content

Here are questions we've been asked regarding the CCNA content and taking the free practice exam:

There are a lot of practice exam questions to answer. Can I leave the exam and come back another day?

Yes! If you click Save and Continue, you will be provided with a link to come back and finish the practice exam. This way, you don't need to finish the exam all at once.

Is there a practice exam login?

Yes! When you first start the practice exam, you will be asked to log in so it can track your progress daily.

How do I find the practice exam?

Simple, click here. Otherwise, navigate to the practice exam page from the home page here

Can I invite my team to take the Mastery Course? If so, how do I do that?

We encourage you to share the PivIT Mastery Course with your team. To do so, simply send them this link: CCNA Mastery Course (Sharable Link).  

Can I take more than one course at the same time?

Yes! When courses become available in the future, you'll be able to take as many different courses simultaneously as you like.

Will I know my score on the practice exam as I go along, or only at the very end?

After you click Save and Next, you will be shown the correct answers before navigating to the next page with more questions. This way, you can track your knowledge before reaching the end of the practice exam.

Can I take the practice exam more than once?

You can take the practice exam as many times as you'd like - completely free!

Will the content and questions be updated?

Yes! Each year we will assess any feedback and the latest Cisco information to update the content and practice exam questions. This will ensure you have the best chance of passing your actual CCNA exam.

I see incorrect information in the Mastery Course or on the practice exam, where can I provide feedback?

Your feedback is helpful! Please email us the correction to Please provide the main page topic and what information you believe to be incorrect in your email. Additionally, if you feel that a section can be made clearer, we'd also love to hear from you!